Paper gave us a way to extend our minds, Clocks made us more conscious of time
There are many tools that humans created that changed them.
TV, Social Media, and Books, but also clocks and alarms.
Many of them are informational: they give you information.
Some information changes you.
All these tools change us.
One tool in specific I think is very interesting because it makes it possible to reason about time on a higher level. There are many tools that track your time, and even block you from doing certain things.
Besides the fact that the exact clustering of a person’s time in certain behavioral patterns is very valuable for business, it is also very valuable to know this oneself.
To be self-conscious costs a lot of brain capacity, so if a device could track it for you, that would be a big win in brain efficiency.
I believe that effective time-management is one of the most important factors that drive success.
We live in a world full of distraction and it’s easy to get lost and become a ball in a pinball game. That’s why it’s very important nowadays to be able to pinpoint what you’re doing because this will show your distractions and productiveness.
I believe that a strong objective machine learning algorithm that measures your productivity and mood in an objective way could determine your pitfalls of being productive. Therefore it is able to recommend you what you should do to keep the best mood for greater productivity.
I think that in 10 years, such a productivity recommendation assistant bot will be insanely popular.
There are already more simple things that can really alter your behavior in a positive way: break scheduling software such as ‘time out’ or website and app blocking tools such as and Offtime. They have an amazingly positive effect on your productivity.
I think that behavior suggestion software creates habits and habits create room for thought about for more complex and more important thoughts and create time for more complex thoughts.
It’s all a means to the ultimate end: Positive impact.
We are living in a revolution.